
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Apria helps make healing wounds easier.

Apria is a dedicated provider of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) equipment and supplies to facilitate wound care while at home. NPWT assists in the healing of wounds that occur as a result of damage to the surface of the skin.


Every year, millions of people in the US suffer from chronic wounds that fail to heal. The results can be deterioration of the surrounding tissues, infection, gangrene, and even the need for amputation. Successful wound care is at the center of healing, and allows the individual to get back to full health so they can lead a happy and productive life.


Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) uses a pump to apply gentle suction on the surface of a wound through a foam or gauze dressing placed on the wound. The pump removes dead tissue cells, reduces inflammation, removes bacteria, and increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the wound in order to promote and speed up the healing process.

The most common types of wounds treated with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy are pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, post-surgical wounds, burns, or other wounds developed as a result of a traumatic injury. The proper individualized course of treatment for any serious wounds is determined by your physician.


Local Presence

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Apria’s Negative Pressure Wound Therapy services are available across the United States at one of the 200+ branch offices. By having a local presence, we are able to meet with our patients and assist them in setting up their negative pressure wound therapy equipment and assist them along their healthcare journey.


Benefits of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Negative pressure wound therapy provides an ideal and clean environment to promote wound healing for patients with chronic wounds. NPWT is also used by healthcare teams and wound care specialists to support faster wound healing.

Regardless of where patients start their therapy, Apria will provide the NPWT pump and supplies for the wound dressing so that the healing process may continue at home. No matter how severe the wound, Apria is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Apria Provides the Right Product for the Right Wound at the Right Time

Apria is the preferred national provider of Medela’s Invia® NPWT products. Apria carries both the Medela Invia® Liberty™ and the Medela Invia® Motion™ Endure. 


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Wound Care Product Portfolio More Options to Meet Your Needs

Apria’s expanded wound care portfolio includes both the Medela and the Avance® full line of negative pressure wound therapy products. Now more than ever, Apria offers more options to meet patient’s individual needs.

Apria and Medela have come together to remove the complexities that can occur in coordinating patient care from hospital to home. Together, Apria and Medela provide healthcare professionals with clinically efficacious products designed to offer the best support possible for wound therapy patients during their transition home.

Together, we can give patients what they truly deserve: Comprehensive therapy options, delivered to patient’s home, improving the quality of their lives.

Both the Invia® Liberty™ and the Invia® Motion™ devices are designed for hospital and home use.

The Invia® NPWT System with FitPad

  • Features intelligent pressure control and dynamic exudate removal
  • Provides confidence the prescribed therapy is delivered at the wound site.

Apria is available on DMEScripts, WoundExpert®, and iHeal® for easier online ordering, authorization tracking, and 100% paperless patient records. Contact Apria’s dedicated NPWT Support Team: 1-800-780-1228


Clinician Education

Apria Offers Online Access to Medela’s Continuing Education Course on Negative Pressure Wound Therapy.

This education program has been designed as part of Medela’s continued commitment to providing innovative products and services for the Negative Pressure Wound Therapy market.

MEDELA® Essential Wound Knowledge
CEU Credit Courses

Gain vital understanding of wound care. Offered by Medela, this 4-section course covers essential wound knowledge, including insight into negative pressure wound therapy.

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